Exploring the Bible
1:00 PM13:00

Exploring the Bible

A chance to sit around the family table and learn about the Bible. This is for anyone from those who have no knowledge to those that know the Bible deeply. It's an opportunity to learn from each other and learn how to read the bible for all it's worth.

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Exploring the Bible
1:00 PM13:00

Exploring the Bible

A chance to sit around the family table and learn about the Bible. This is for anyone from those who have no knowledge to those that know the Bible deeply. It's an opportunity to learn from each other and learn how to read the bible for all it's worth.

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Gifts of Imperfection
7:30 PM19:30

Gifts of Imperfection

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown is a great book and is all about accepting more into our lives and letting go of the things that drain us.

This will be a discussion based workshop with some elements of refection and planning how and when we will make active steps towards a life of thriving. 

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Exploring the Bible
1:00 PM13:00

Exploring the Bible

A chance to sit around the family table and learn about the Bible. This is for anyone from those who have no knowledge to those that know the Bible deeply. It's an opportunity to learn from each other and learn how to read the bible for all it's worth.

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Exploring the Bible
1:00 PM13:00

Exploring the Bible

A chance to sit around the family table and learn about the Bible. This is for anyone from those who have no knowledge to those that know the Bible deeply. It's an opportunity to learn from each other and learn how to read the bible for all it's worth.

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Conversations of Inspiration
12:30 PM12:30

Conversations of Inspiration

On the first Tuesday of the month come to The Beehive for an intentional chat around the family table in the shop.

We will use a prompt each month to explore ourselves and chat/coach around.

This is a space to come, chat and set some intentions for the month ahead.  

We will start at 12.30 so get here early and grab a drink, bring a note pad too if you fancy it! 

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Exploring the Bible
1:00 PM13:00

Exploring the Bible

A chance to sit around the family table and learn about the Bible. This is for anyone from those who have no knowledge to those that know the Bible deeply. It's an opportunity to learn from each other and learn how to read the bible for all it's worth.

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Exploring the Bible
1:00 PM13:00

Exploring the Bible

A chance to sit around the family table and learn about the Bible. This is for anyone from those who have no knowledge to those that know the Bible deeply. It's an opportunity to learn from each other and learn how to read the bible for all it's worth.

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